
A new platfform that helps you leverage your existing MS tools to Drive Digital Operational Excellence

Empower Your Team to Power Your Lean

OpExWorks features out-of-the-box Apps including KPI Trackers, Tiered Meetings, 5S, Action Trackers, H&S which can be tailored to Your Manufacturing System. Customised Training & Mentoring on the platform will help you develop your Digital Skills, maintain Ownership,  drive the Digital Maturity Level of your Organisation and support your Operational Excellence Journey.


App Catalogue

– Your own ‘App Store’
– Manage and Govern your Apps

Ready to go Apps

– Tiered Meetings, KPI Trackers
– Trackers, 5S, Safety Cards etc.

Template Apps

– Accelerate delivery of your own Solutions
– Common Approach to Common Problems


Introductory Training

– Introduction to the Platform, White Belt
– Learn “What’s Possible”

Learn by Doing

– Co-Creation of Solutions, Yellow Belt
– Advanced Features, Green Belt

Template & Custom Apps

– Advanced Training, Black Belt

& Mentoring

Workshop to discuss Projects

– Kaizen Approach
– Lean Approach to Digitise and Optimse


– How Best to use the Platform
– Working through the phases


– Drop-In Sessions

Why You Should Choose

Reduce Busy Work

Develop a Data Driven Culture

Increase Productivity

Support Employee Development

APP Catalogue

Centralise all your tools, systems, dashboards, and reports in one secure, easily accessible Hub.


Employees are provided with a range of enterprise software tools, systems, and reports, but the time spent searching for the right tool leads to wasted effort and reduced motivation.


A Central App Store that helps you govern security, application rollout and change management. Facility for IT and Administrators to manage all applications.


  • Greater Control and Governance.
  • Adherence to IT Standards.
  • Adoption of Best Practice.
  • Elimination of duplicate solutions.
  • Greater sharing and collaboration.

5S / 6S App & Dashboard

Streamline Your 5S Audits: Fast, Consistent, and Accessible Anytime on any device.


Performing 5S Audits manually requires paper and manual recording. It requires a lot of transcription and “busy work” to record, report and ensure Audits are being carried out as per the schedule.


An intuitive App where the categories and questions are completely configurable for your site. Centrally stored data and built-in Reports and Dashboard to review and monitor.


  • Elimination of “Busy Work”.
  • Elimination of Paper.
  • Central Recording and Control.
  • Improved Reporting and Monitoring.
  • Greater Engagement in 5S/6S.

Tiered Meetings

An App with a built-in Action Tracker
to Support the running of your Tiered Meetings.


Process Leads spend significant time preparing and collating data for Daily Tiered Meetings. Inconsistent data formats and visualisatons can lead to inefficient meetings. Tracking of actions manually is also efficient.


A Configurable solution to record KPIs which support processes such as QDCI+
A KPI Dashboard to support the running of your meetings.
Build-in Action Tracker for Actions raised during the meeting and review previous actions.


  • Significant Reduction in Preparation Time for meetings.
  • More efficient and effective meetings.
  • Common Approach to KPI Reporting.
  • Improved Roll-Up of KPIs through the Tiers.
  • Centrally Stored Data for analysis to support Improvement Projects.
  • Increased transparency and accountability over action.

Safety Checks

An App which Digitises and Optimises the raising of H&S Cards e.g. Incidents, Near Misses etc., and automated email notifications.


Significant time is spent by Originator, H&S Rep, and Managers recording, reviewing and actioning Safety Issues and Notices.
Manual approval and tracking can lead to longer time to closure and CAPAs.


A Configurable solution with intuitive interface to raise Safety Cards and an digital and streamlined notification and approval process.
Built-in reporting and dashboard to monitor and manage the process and provide critical actionable insights.


  • Accelerated submissions, approval and actioning of safety cards/notices.
  • Simplified and Streamlined Approvals.
  • Reduction in Administration.
  • Improved Engagement.
  • Real-time tracking and reporting.

Action Tracker

An App which centralises the capture of Actions, simplifies the tracking, reporting and closure of actions.
Includes dashboards for Assignees and Managers to manage and review tasks.


Paper, White Board and Excel based trackers are dispersed, difficult to manage and have poor visibility to actions status. It also leads to poor accountability.
Trends on repeat issues are difficult to spot and eliminate.


A centralised configurable Action Tracker by Area, Department or Project.
Intuitive interface for raising actions, and automated workflows for notifications, reminders and approvals.
Centralised Dashboard with filters to help manage actions and review during meetings.


  • Improved managements, tracking and closure of
  • Real-time visibility to Actions across functions, departments and projects.
  • Improved data quality for easy analysis and reporting.
  • Standardises Action Tracking across the site.

Reward & Recognition

Empower employees to recognise co-workers’ contributions with a streamlined solution that helps improve Engagement and Job Satisfaction


The single biggest problem with R&R systems is the time spent reviewing and approving submissions which have been made. This leads to long lead-times where the window of opportunity to recognise the excellent contribution is lost. This can lead to apathy towards the R&R system and poor engagement.


An intuitive App making it easy for employees to recongnise and celebrate a co-workers contribution. A digital and optimised workflow for the review and approval process which leads to quick recognition and fosters a real culture of support, engagement and purpose.
Centralised reporting and dashboards which provide real-time insights.


  • Speeds up recognition.
  • Simplifies the management of the Reward & Recognition process.
  • Boosts engagement.
  • Drives core values and behaviours.

Continuous Improvement Ideas Tracker

An App for capturing Process Improvement, C.I. and other Innovative Ideas across the site.


The manual management of CI Ideas Processes can be very time consuming and resource heavy. Delays in the review and approval of submitted ideas leads to disengagement and frustration among originators and reduces the benefits of such critical programs.


A simple, configurable Innovation Tracker app that streamlines submitting and actioning ideas and delivers full visibility to all stakeholders.
Reward points for Innovators to celebrate the best Innovators or Innovating Team.
Automated notifications for Innovators and managers.


  • Increases the number of Ideas which are submitted and ultimately implemented.
  • Encourages the regular submission of ideas and engagement in the process.
  • Reduces time from submission to approval to implementation.
  • Provides key metrics and insights.


White Belt

Yellow Belt

Green Belt

Black Belt

App and Training Bundle Prices are available on request.

Submit your contact details below