At the heart of Dataworks culture

Innovation has been a key enabler in our continued expansion
and is critical to the development of any organisation.

By embracing, implementing and ensuring that a culture of innovation prevails has led to many Eureka! moments for us as a company and has helped us to continue to drive success for you.

Innovation isn’t something you can just “do”- it has to become part of how you operate to truly become part of your company culture. It is for this reason that we have a dedicated team who implement our Innovation Process. They are instrumental in embedding an innovation culture thereby ensuring expansion of our existing service offerings and the development of new products.

Our innovation is focused in three main areas;

Internal Process Innovation
Service Innovation
Product Innovation

Innovating for Customer Success

We have established an internal Innovation Process based on best practice. This, coupled with our Technology team, ensures that we deliver transformational solutions, based on the best technology fit for you, unlocking hidden value and allowing you to enable a culture of Continuous Improvement.

Customer Focused

Innovation is actively applied as part
of our SDLC to ensure the best
technology fit is chosen for you.

Always On

At the heart of our company

Continual Improvement

Our innovation process accelerates
process improvements to ensure we
add value for you and encourages a
culture of Continuous Improvement.

Ideas Submitted Implemented

All ideas pass through our
Innovation Process in a
timely manner.

Discover More Innovation at Dataworks