Have You had to Implement New Processes in Your Business Due To Covid-19?

Or are you trying to develop or manage new processes & procedures that have been established due to the impact Covid-19 has had on your business?

Are these being managed in a manual way or via spreadsheets?

Automate new processes

Many of our customers are continuing to operate during the Covid-19 crisis as Medical Device and Pharmaceutical sectors are deemed as essential services. They have had to spin up a number of new processes and procedures relating to changes in how they operate during this crisis and a number of issues that you may also be trying to manage at this time relating to managing staff, while also ensuring their safety.

Streamline & Digitise

These processes have been implemented quickly and at short notice and are currently being managed using a manual paper-based process or a simple spreadsheet.
We have been engaged to automate some of these processes. The main aim is to streamline and digitise these new processes for easier reporting and ensuring compliance without having manual checks and balances.

Dataworks can develop custom applications and also applications based on Microsoft Power Apps platform to help you automate and manage these new processes. These applications are delivered rapidly in an agile way to keep automating processes quickly, allowing you to better manage these changing processes. Some of the benefits to adopting this approach are:

  • Minimise manpower needed to implement and manage these processes and procedures.
  • Data available for easy reporting & analysis: by automating these processes the data generated is logged to a database allowing for easy reporting, collation and analysis of data across your internal Covid-19 task force.

These applications can be used to manage personnel working on-site, working off-site and returning to work, and for contractors and essential visitors to the site.

If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you to quickly digitise processes you have implemented due to Covid- 19 or if you want a demonstration of the applications we have completed to date to arrange a video call today.