4 Steps To Send a Request To a Web Socket Server and Read the Response
WebSockets are a bidirectional computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a web browser and a web server.
Send A Request
If you want to send a request to a web socket server and read the response here is a quick and easy way to do it
- In the example below change ‘host’, ‘port’,‘serviceName’ and ‘requestJson’ as needed.(Doesn’t need to be JSON)
- Will connect to the websocket server, send a request.
- Use a memory stream to log out the response.
- Read more on ClientWebsocket here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.websockets.clientwebsocket?view=netframework-4.5
The Example
Private Async Function Test() As Task
Dim host As String
Dim port, serviceName As String
‘WebSocket endpoint to be tested.
host = “wss://yourwebsocketurl”
port = “80”
serviceName = “test”
Dim server As String = String.Format(“{0}:{1}/{2}”, host, port, serviceName)
‘Some logging
Dim _log As Logger
_log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger()
_log.Debug(String.Format(“Open Connection to the server. Server url is {0}”, server))
Dim ws = New System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket
Await ws.ConnectAsync(New Uri(server), Nothing)
If (ws.State = WebSockets.WebSocketState.Open) Then
_log.Debug(“Connection open”)
‘Example of a Json login request
Dim requestJson = “{“”request””: “”Login””,””body””: {“”username””: “”User”,”password””: “”userpassword””}, “”error””: null}”
Dim encoded As Byte()
encoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestJson)
_log.Debug(String.Format(“Request to be sent = {0}”, requestJson))
Dim socketRequest = New ArraySegment(Of Byte)(encoded, 0, encoded.Length)
‘Send request
Await ws.SendAsync(socketRequest, WebSocketMessageType.Text, False, Nothing)
Dim bytes(8192) As Byte
Dim socketResponse = New ArraySegment(Of Byte)(bytes)
Dim result As WebSocketReceiveResult
‘Dim ms As MemoryStream
Using ms = New MemoryStream
_log.Debug(“In memeory stream”)
_log.Debug(“in loop”)
result = Await ws.ReceiveAsync(socketResponse, Nothing)
ms.Write(socketResponse.Array, socketResponse.Offset, result.Count)
Loop Until result.EndOfMessage = True
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
If result.MessageType = WebSocketMessageType.Text Then
Using reader = New StreamReader(ms, Encoding.UTF8)
‘Result here
_log.Debug(“response is {0}”, reader.ReadToEnd())
End Using
End If
End Using
_log.Debug(“Not Opened”)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
_log.Error(String.Format(“Error opening connection. Message is {0}. Inner Exception {1}”, ex.Message, ex.InnerException.ToString))
End Try
End Function
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